Kelly and his AI not-exactly-doppleganger


Hello, my name is Kelly Adams. The image on the right above is the real me- the one on the left is the ‘avatar’ of me that ChatGPT AI generated. For some reason ChatGPT really thinks I need a beard- it also thinks I am a lot thinner than I really am, but I’ll forgive that. Arguing with an AI about facial hair is the height of unintentional comedy for me these days.

I’ve been playing console and computer games for over forty years. I have one post about my history with gaming devices that might be kind of interesting to check out to learn a bit about my experiences. I also enjoyed table top role playing games, D&D primarily, for about 20 years, but I haven’t picked up any dice in a couple of decades. I spent the early 2000’s playing massively multi-player games like Ultima Online, EverQuest, World of Warcraft, Dark Age of Camelot, and others. I once belonged to a smallish raid guild and have the scars to prove it.

These days I mostly play single player computer and console games that have engaging stories, interesting characters, and enjoyable action: for the sake of argument, let’s call these ‘role playing games’. I also play some simulation games: things like Flight Simulator (planes) and Elite Dangerous (space ships). From time to time I play a few shooters and the like, and some co-op multi-player games.

AgingGamer has been my account name and handle for over twenty years: I’ve used it on everything from EverQuest to Xbox Live. It came about when I found that my even earlier handle, PapaDoom, was already in use on a service I signed up for around 1999. Even back then in my mid 30’s I was often the oldest guy in the open chat, so I wanted a handle that reflected my relative antiquity: thus AgingGamer was born.

My main blog is Ubergeek Kelly’s World where I talk about my life in general: here I will focus on gaming. I will be writing reviews, talking about my experiences in games, posting my opinions about the game industry, and ranting like the grumpy old man I am about things that aggravate me.

Note about use of AI on this site

I have my doubts about the current generation of AI and how it may be used to generate content that poorly mimics human created content. But I’m also intrigued by what it can do for me in areas where I simply lack the time or talent to create my own artifacts.

All of the text on this site with the exception of some titles is written entirely by me, Kelly Adams, a real human being. ‘Flavour’ images like my current six-fingered logo and the cartoonish or fantasy themed images I use in posts are often generated by AI based on my own prompts. I do occasionally use AI tools to check my writing for tone and readability and from time to time will also use such tools to generate a title.

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